Why You Should Travel Young

Traveling has always been one of my greatest passions. Exploring a new environment, experiencing a variety of cultures, and seeing unfamiliar faces have always given me a certain kind of peace and tranquility. Not only has traveling given me some of the most memorable experiences, but I have also discovered so much of my own self-identity along the way.

Many of us feel that our entire lives at one point, leads to one question, and that is “What do you want to be?”. Society expects us to answer such a big question at a young age and in such a finite way. But the truth is, none of us really know who we are, or what we want until we witness a taste of it ourselves. The only way to do so is to get out into the world. So with that, here are just a few reasons why I believe that traveling at a young age is such a vital part of discovering more about yourself and who you want to be in this life:

1) You will develop a sense of independence

The willingness to put yourself in a new place, with some new faces, out of routine, and out of your comfort zone, can be difficult, but learning how to manage in such an environment can help you grow as a person. Independence, responsibility, and social awareness are all necessary life skills that are impossible to teach.

I have always been quite an independent person, and maybe this aided me more than I realized in the times that I needed it the most, when I was outside of what was so familiar to me. I have quickly realized throughout my life that independence as a woman is a strength, it supports my motivations, my goals, and my ambitions. However, as I have discovered new places and experienced new things, my independence and confidence have only strengthened. And not only does this allow me to continue to support myself, but it has also allowed me to support those close to me. Gaining such a tool at a young age can benefit you in ways that you cannot even think of, but most importantly, it will help you to achieve what is it that you want to do most with your life.

2) you will discover what you want for yourself

While I am no world traveler (at least not yet, it is definitely on the itinerary) I have realized that in having experienced new places and people, exposure has given me wisdom and knowledge. Yes, cultural knowledge and street smarts, but also I have fallen in love with places and things that I never thought I would have. How was I supposed to know if I never had the opportunity to live it?

Truly, what you may want for yourself may be an abundance of things that you grow to love about a place, a group of people, the food, or the language, but eventually, we all settle down somewhere, and we all want that somewhere to be a place where we feel the happiest, and the place we feel can encourage us to grow the most. Before you settle, you must have lived to know what you want to settle for.

3) to understand lifes ‘bigger PICTURE’

With the constant problems and stresses that come up in everyday life, it is easy to fall into an endless cycle of fear, worrying, and anxiousness about getting this done in time, or making sure you are there at a certain time. It is easy enough to get caught up in this pattern and forget that every day that goes by is another day that you have an opportunity to live.

I not only see traveling as a way to experience new cultures and make life-long memories, but I also see it as a way to remind myself how big the world is compared to me, and just how small my problems really are. Learning to see from a perspective outside of yourself develops you into a more conscious and thoughtful human, and is such an important skill in all aspects of your life.

4) The Memories

Now this one may seem a bit self-explanatory, but it is important to understand the difference between what we call short-term and long-term forms of happiness. One may be buying a new pair of shoes, while the other may be a camping site in a national park. The first option is something that brings you happiness for a short period of time while the other, leaves you with a memory that you can hold on to and will last you a lifetime.

One of my dreams for the longest time was to be the mother who carried a film camera with her throughout her travels and create a photo album of each place she traveled, so she could not only look back at those memories herself but also so she could look back at them with her children. Memories are something you can give yourself that can never be taken away, forgot, worn away, or lost. They are permanent. Most of the time, we don’t even realize the value of the moment you are living in until it becomes a memory itself.


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