How I Maintain A Healthy Routine While Traveling

Summer is just around the corner and I know we all have trips planned, whether there local, long road trips, or vacations to other countries, either way, we all want to feel our best and continue to work toward our lifestyle goals even outside of our home.

I have come to realize that I am someone who comes to love routine, and after all, routine is what keeps us feeling organized, healthy and comfortable. Here are a few ways that I maintain my normal routine while I am traveling:

1) choosing primarily whole foods

While traveling, and out of the house, it may be hard to stick with your nutrition goals, however, it is completely possible, with a little bit of effort of course. Where ever you may be, plan your meals in advance. Browse nearby restaurants and their menus a few hours before each meal, or stop in a nearby grocery store to purchase some of your essentials. Putting effort and focusing on diet while traveling may help relieve it from excess stress and support your immune system as you continue to be out an about in new places.

2) Find a form of movement

Whether this may be walking miles up and down the streets, or across beaches, swimming, or biking around town, all of these count as forms of movement that your body will be grateful for. During this time, it is important to keep the blood flowing, this aids your body in its detoxification process, along with keeping your digestive system active.

3) Supplements!

I have found a few holy grail supplements that I will take every place I travel. These supplements aid my immune system, my skin health and digestive health while I am out of my normal routine and eating habits. A few supplements I carry include digestive enzymes, a symbiotic, vitamin c and a GI support supplement. It is important to find which supplements work best for you!

4) find some ‘you’ time

Whether I am traveling with family, friends or just myself, I always remember to prioritize my mental health and well-being, and this is usually through spending time solo. This could be simply ten minutes journaling outside, a short walk on the beach listening listening to your favorite playlist. Spending time with myself helps me recenter myself, it reminds me of my strength, and independence, and helps me to continue practicing gratitude as I am outside my normal routine. It some way or another…its like breath of fresh air.


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